太田 創 の「英語で読み解くクールな世界金融経済」
黒田総裁「海外経済の下振れリスク増せば政策対応」 10月31日
Mr. Kuroda, the Bank of Japan's governor, has hinted at a possible further easing at the press conference after its Monetary Policy Meeting if the global economy faces more downside risk due to the trade war between the U.S. and China.
He mentioned another interest rate cut as well in order to revamp the financial market, if necessary.
He seems almighty.
加熱式たばこ普及に幾多のハードル 10月27日
The more in-house non-smoking facility will increase, the more the smoking areas will be removed if the government and metropolitan government strengthen tougher non-smoking rules further.
At the same time, a lot of the local governments prohibit smoking on the street as well.
Hope smoking is gone forever.
大規模リストラを検討 10月24日
Senshukai Co.,Ltd., one of the largest mail-order catalog business operators in Japan, has decided to realign its business mainly due to a serious setback in sales.
This includes voluntary early resignation and sale of the headquarter’s building as well as the resignation of Mr. Hoshino, the current president of the company.
Senshukai's decision reminds us of the so-called "Amazon effect" as well, which does not leave anything once the online giant advances to the targeted business areas.
For me, it was too late. It would have had to sell the business to Amazon long before struggling.
70歳雇用へ企業に数値目標 政府、計画義務付け検討 10月19日
Nikkei Shinbun has learned that the government will push employers to plan continued employment system until 70 years old, in view of the revision of the labor law that requires to raise the employable age to those aged 65 years old.
The targeted numbers of such elderly employers should be decided in due course but the new law would set the numbers anyway to let the employers hire a certain numbers of employees more than 65 years old.
The longer you work, the more you earn. Happy, isn't it?
地面師詐欺、積水ハウスが落ちたワナ 10月16日
Though, there was clear proof that this crime was committed by some certain land swindlers.
A woman who impersonated the real owner of the land could not show the original documents. Instead, she just showed the color copy of the land registration certificate and even told the wrong birthday of the real owner.
Unfortunately, however, Sekisui House Ltd, the buyer of the land and one of the major real estate companies in Japan, regarded this trouble as usual suspects and did not report to law enforcement, either.
As a result, Sekisui's 60 million dollars investment in the land was swallowed up by the cons instantly.
Sekisui's compliance and sixth-sense did not work this time. Sorry about that.
無題 10月16日
このほど発表されたInternational TEA Committee(ITC・国際茶業委員会)確定値によると、2017年世界の茶生産量は581万1631tとなり、過去最高を更新した。
According to the recent report released by the International TEA Committee, the worldwide production of tea in 2017 was about five million and eighty one tons, which was the highest on record so far.
Didn't know how tea is so popular in the world. Though, Matcha green tea is well-received,too.
茶の生産量 17年は世界で581万t、過去最高を更新 10月13日
このほど発表されたInternational TEA Committee(ITC・国際茶業委員会)確定値によると、2017年世界の茶生産量は581万1631tとなり、過去最高を更新した。
According to the recent report released by the International TEA Committee, the worldwide production of tea in 2017 was about five million and eighty one tons, which was the highest record so far.
Didn't know how tea is so popular in the world. Though, Matcha green tea is well-received,too.
米金融市場で崩れ始めた「前提」 10月09日
As long as the long-term interest rate continues to rise, stocks will tend to be sold. Most investors calculate the appropriate stock prices by discounting cash flows divided by the long-term interest rate and risk premium associated with the market volatility.
Thus, when the long-term interest rate rises, stocks will be sold again, unfortunately. True?
Understood. Though, historically speaking, S&P500 and Dow have been rising no matter how the level of the interest rate went.
お小遣いもキャッシュレス 10月06日
I want my second daughter to manage her money properly by e-money.
Hiroki Takemura, an employee in Tokyo, has started to give pocket money to his daughter Chika by Line pay since this spring.
Can't believe this. You should let your kids understand that money is bills or coins, first. Otherwise, they would understand money is just a kind of data.
ベイシア電器、小型店展開 10月03日
Beisia Denki, a consumer electronics retailer in Maebashi City, has decided to expand its smaller outlets to the same Beisia group's supermarkets and mega malls.
Those smaller shops will occupy more or less than one third of the sales space of their flagship roadside shops and focus on the sales of major home electric appliances, such as fridges and washers which are highly marketable in their local business area.
Maybe, didn't you know how big Beisia's businesses are not only in the North Kanto but in all Japan, did you?