太田 創 の「英語で読み解くクールな世界金融経済」
パート争奪戦、中部で激化 05月31日
In the Chubu region, labor shortage is worsening. All of the active opening ratios in each prefecture for April, announced by their labor departments on Tuesday, were higher than the previous month. Particularly, those in Aichi and Gifu prefectures were the highest in history.
This is caused by continuing openings of new commercial facilities in Nagoya central areas, where the shortage of part-time workers seems especially bad. Companies are trying to raise the hourly wage and decrease working hours so that they can compete better in order to get the best workers in this unprecedented situation.
Really feel so once you see how crowded in the Nagoya Station every day.
小マグロ豊漁でも産地困惑 05月27日
Although small Pacific blue-fin tuna catch have seriously been poor for years due to the possible depletion, fishermen in Japan's northeast Sanriku area, now enjoy bountiful catch of the tunas unexpectedly.
Having said that, as the the tuna catch is strictly limited in order to protect the stocks, they are forced to release fish when they catch above the legally allowed limit.
Mottanai situation.
ルクセンブルクの魅力には「慣れ」が必要か 05月23日
Multi-national companies from JPMorgan Chase & Co. to American International Group Inc. have started considering Luxembourg as a post-Brexit office center in the EU.
While Luxembourg boasts a multilingual environment, their employees moving there should know that they cannot expect cosmopolitan lifestyle they currently enjoy in London and should deal with heavy traffic jam everyday.
Having said so, there is no place like home.
Corruption never ends in Brazil 05月19日
O Globo, a Brazilian local paper, reported that President Temer discussed with Chairman Batista of JSB, a local meatpacking company, in March about a bribe in order to impose silence on Mr. Cunha, the ex-speaker of the Brazilian House of Representatives.
Mr. Batista has been reported to record the conversation with Temer. He submitted the tape to the justice authority to negotiate a plea bargain.
Corruption never ends in Brazil.
”ボラティリティー売り戦略”が空前の規模 05月15日
According to Seki Obata, a professor at Keio University, the reason behind the current low-volatility environment in the stock markets is that the computer-based strategies such as algorithm and high frequency trades make the markets more transparent and liquid than the conventional bets on anomalies, in which investors have been playing based on their own information.
Thus, the volatility looks lower than before.
Science and technology can change everything, even people's greed.
出口なき「出口議論」の行方 05月11日
"Governor Kuroda, you should show some scenarios for the BOJ's exit starategy on monetary easing, shouldn't you?", he was pressed by one of the Democratic Progressive Party’s members at the Budget and Finance Committee of the lower house of the Diet on Wednesday.
It is concerned that the BOJ will fall into the red or insolvency during tapering of the monetary easing as it won't be able to cover the cost for interest payment to the accounts banks hold in the BOJ.
You never know if it happens actually.
CDSって何? 05月09日
CDSはクレジット・デフォルト・スワップ(Credit Default Swap)の略で、国や企業のデフォルト(債務不履行)のリスクを取引するデリバティブ(金融派生商品)のひとつです。
CDS, one of the financial derivative products and standing for Credit Default Swap, is a means to deal with default risks arising from countries and corporates credit events.
A few decades ago, the U.S. banks developed the CDS first in order to hedge credit risks of their debtors. Before the CDS were born, the debts were so much more illiquid than the bonds that it was very difficult to sell them without such a mechanism.
No CDS, no risk control
アイデアにダメと言わない。 05月03日
In order to survive in the stand-up-eating soba industry, I do not say "No" to the ideas our employees bring to me.
This is because I am afraid of losing such great business opportunities when I say "No". Therefore, I haven't declined putting a toast or Takoyaki octopus balls into a bowl of soba noodles. If it doesn't go well, you can stop it.
Just do it.
トランプ円安半年 本格再開を阻む厚いカベ 05月01日
Although the Yen started dropping against the dollar last week, it might not reach the 120 yen mark because the Trump effect would hardly return to the currency market again.
Rather, some analysts point out that the Yen would rise to 100 yen against the dollar under the current circumstances where the Trump effect seem to disappear, though.
Sell in May and go away.